echo. (2021)
as commissioned by King’s Place, London as a part of Cassie Kinoshi’s Artistic Residency (London Unwrapped)
Created in collaboration with visual artist Anne Verheij.
Filmed entirely using handheld cameras, echo is an immersive audio-visual triptych with London as its main character. Day to day experiences of London life are manipulated through exploratory editing and camera movement, creating an encapsulating visceral experience of the ever changing cityscape.
INSTRUMENTATION | Synthesisers (hardware/software) | field-recordings (London 2020-21) | Clarinet | Objects | Chineke! Orchestra Strings Violin I | Violin II | Viola | Cello | Double Bass |
MUNA (2023)
Raindance Film Festival | Best UK Short Nominee (2023)
British Independent Film Awards | Best British Short Nominee (2023)
Dir. Warda Mohamed | Wr. Ward Mohamed | Starring Kosar Ali, Elmi Rashid Elmi, Raha Isse Farah, Ahmed Nur
British-Somali teen Muna is desperate to go on the school trip - but her parents aren't so sure. Tragedy strikes when her grandfather dies back in Somalia, and Muna must navigate a confusing mourning period for someone she never really knew - all while still hoping to persuade her mother to change her mind.
Special Mention Award for Film on Women at the International Open Film Festival 2019
London Short Film Festival 2018 (UK)
EnCore Dance on Film, Decatur Arts Festival 2018 (USA)
Reading on Thames Festival, Reading Film Trail (UK)
OFFSET (2018)
London Short Film Festival 2019